Friday 11 September 2020

Class Reading | Visualizing

The class task for reading was to visualize by drawing pictures.

First, we did the Gruffalo activity. The teacher read seperate parts of the Gruffalo story and we used the given information to visualize and draw a picture. There were six different parts of the gruffalo story that we visualized.

Next, we did the Nogard activity. The teacher read the description of an animal. We drew what we understood of the description. The Nogard turned out to be a dragon.

We then talked about visualizing, what it is, how to visualize and why visualizing is a helpful tool.

We enjoyed this activity and found it fun to visualize the descriptions. Visualizing is good for creating an image in the readers mind, so the reader can understand more of the story.

LI: to visualize parts of the story.

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