Friday 18 September 2020

Girls Kiwi Sport | Cricket

This week, the year 4-6 girls had to the opportunity to take part in a cricket session coached by Nick and Sam from Auckland University Cricket Club. We took part in three activities to learn the basic skills in cricket.

First, we practiced catching the cricket ball. We counted how many times we could clap before we caught the ball. We repeated this process but caught the ball on one foot. We then caught the ball while starjumping.

After that, we found ourselves a partner and practiced throwing and catching the ball to one another. We repeated this process but everytime the ball hit the floor the total catches went back to 0. We then caught the ball with one hand.

Next, we were sorted into a batting and fielding team. The batting team had to two people hitting six balls off of a T at a time. The two people on the batting team had to run to two white cones and score points. The fielding team had to gather the balls and put them back on the T to stop the round.

We enjoyed this session of cricket and found it fun to collaborate with eachother. The purpose of this activity is to work together to learn the basic skills needed in cricket.

 LI: to learn the basics skills of cricket.

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