Friday 18 September 2020

Narrative Rewrite

For writing, we have learnt about narrative rewrites.

First, we talked about our ideas on what narrative rewrites are. We know that a narrative rewrite uses ideas from another story to write a new text that fits with the original storyline.

Next, we thought of a character from 'The Gruffalo' to replace for the narrative rewrite. The animal we replaced the character with had to flow with the rest of the storyline. 

For example, if we chose to replace the mouse with a giraffe, the story wouldn't make sense because the animals would not prey on a giraffe.

After that, we chose a scene or small part from the story to rewrite with our chosen character. We used the guiding questions 'who would the animals meet?', 'what would the animals say?' and 'what is the Gruffalo's favorite food including them?'.

We enjoyed this activity and found it fun to rewrite a part of the Gruffalo story. The purpose of this activity is to know the different parts to rewriting a narrative.

LI: to rewrite a narrative.

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