Friday 16 October 2020

Mr Ogilvie's Maths | Improving Skills

This week, Mr Ogilvie's Maths groups is focusing on improving a certain skill within math.

First, they chose a skill within math that they were struggling with. The skills they were able to choose were measurement, statistics, addition and subtraction. They chose a certain part of that skill that they struggled with, for example if someone chose measurement, something they could be struggling with is converting millimeters, centimeters, meters etc.

Next, Mr Ogilvie's maths groups created a DLO to showcase the learning that they have done with that certain skill. They explained the steps to the strategy that they used and gave an example of how to use those strategies using an equation.

They enjoyed this activity and found it difficult to explain how they used their strategy.

LI: to improve on a skill within math.

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