Friday 25 October 2019

Ki O Rahi Recap

LI: to play Ki O Rahi
In Term 1 the Kiwisport LS1 were learning Ki O Rahi. Ki O Rahi incorporates skills from a lot of different sports like rugby, rippa, & touch. The whole term LS1 have been practising the different roles and skills of Ki O Rahi. The different roles are Kioma, Taniwha, and Keitiaki. Ki Oma are the people who have a ball and try to the the poles and try to get a try in the middle. Taniwhas roles is to get the ball from Kioma so they can try to hit the bin in the middle. The other role is Keitiaki which is part of the Kioma team. They try to block the hits from Taniwha so they don't get any points.

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