Monday, 14 December 2020

Inquiry | Persuasive Presentation

Today, the companies presented their shelter design to bid for the building contract. We presented a slideshow that included information about the shelter design, materials and benefits.

Before presenting, each company focused on timing our presentation and practicing our lines so that it was within two and three minutes. They added onto and changed some parts of the script to make it longer.

What was expected from each company was to persuade the representitives of Panmure Bridge School that our shelter is best for the certain natural disasters. They needed to include eye contact, clear presenting and the reasons why their shelter is best.

After that, each company presented our model and presentation to the class and representitives (Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie). 

In their blogpost, they gave information about what they did and what was required in each presentation, the feedback they were given, what they did well and what they could improve. They also talked about is they were able to win the building contract and what they could've changed to potentially win the contract.

LI: to present our design and bid for the building contract.

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