Saturday 18 July 2020

Questioning | Reading Strategy

Mr Wong's reading groups learnt about the four question types, which are right there, think and search, author and me and on my own.

First, Mr Wong's reading groups identified what the four question types were, and how to answer them.

Mr Wong's reading groups learnt that right there questions are questions in which the answer can be found right there in the text.

Next, we identified what think and search questions were. Think and search questions are questions in which the answer is in the text, but has been reworded.

Then, they talked about understanding 'author and me' questions. Author and me questions are questions in which the answer is not in the text, but the author has given clues to what the answer is.

Finally, we did the 'on my own' questions. On my own questions are questions in which the answer is not in the text and the answer may even need to be made up.

Each reading group was given a text/article to read. We were also given four questions asked about the text. We sorted the four questions under the right question type and provided potential answers. We also included information about where in the text we looked to find the answer.

Our answers were checked off and we were ready to blog.

LI: to identify the question types.
LI: to locate the answers in the text.

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