Friday, 22 June 2018


LI: to learn about living organisms
This week for Inquiry we have still been continuing the MRS GREN. This is the second to last week of the MRS GREN Research. At week 10 is Quiz Time! Every group has been earning credits. The systems we have done is the Nervous System, Digestive System, and right now we are doing the Circulatory and the Respiratory System. We also earn credits when we finish a task. We can also spend a credit. 5 credits is to have a Q/A and 10 credits is to buy a question.


LI: to learn how to infer
Mr Wongs reading groups learned that Inferring is figuring out something by using hints from the authors, and activating your own prior knowledge. This week Mr Wongs Reading groups learned inferring. Before they did their task they played a quiz. It was each of Mr Wongs reading groups. It was Harry Vader, Percy Jackson, Maleficent and Thor. They had three sentences to infer. For their task they had three paragraphs to infer. They had to at least infer three or more.

18 Sentence Narrative & Audio book

LI: To brainstorm a narrative./LI: To write a 18 sentence narrative. This week for writing we had to write a 18 sentence narrative about a dog that got lost and we also had to make a audio book of us saying the 18 sentence narrative. First we brainstormed the narrative by going on a google form and answering questions. We had to vote what the story was going to be about. There was three choices which was a woman that was looking through a tree or a bush, a person sitting on a seat and there was waves behind him and a dog who got lost. A lot of us voted for the dog who got lost. Once we brainstormed the narrative we made a copy of a google docs to write our narrative. We worked on the orientation together. For the google docs we wrote the problem, the three events and the solution. We needed to have three sentences for each paragraph. Once we finished writing the narrative we made a audio book of us saying the narrative. We went on a website where we could record us saying the narrative. Here is the link- Online voice recorder (beta)

Think Board: Fractions

LI: To count in fractions forwards and backwards to a named whole number./LI: To recognise the whole of an object, part of an object and equal parts and their names. This week for maths we made a copy of the think board. For the think board we chose any fraction and had to write it in the middle of the think board. In the think board we had to show the fraction with equipment, show it with a picture, show it with a word story and we had to write other names for the fraction. A fraction is when a whole is cut into equal pieces/parts. The numerator is how many parts/pieces are count and the denominator is how much equal pieces/parts are divided into.

Friday, 15 June 2018


LI: To self monitor understanding of words and phrases./ LI: To research the meaning of unknown words and phrases. This week for reading we had to make a flip grid where we summarise a article we read called Why our muscles get tired?. We also had to say three words we found out about the article. Before we did the flip grid we had to fill in a document. For the document we had to write down words that we didn't know about the article and we had t write the meaning by going on the dictionary. Once we finished filling in the document we moved onto doing our flip gird. Here is the link- Flipgrid

Japanese and Lattice Method


For this week Mr Ogilvies Math groups has been using the Japanese and the Lattice Method. Also for their DLO (Digital Learning Object) they had to explain how to do the Japan and Lattice Method. But before they used the Japanese and the Lattice method, they used other simple ones. Like algorithm multiplication and others. They've been trying to use strategies out of their basic facts. So they tried the Japan and Lattice method. The Lattice one takes just a a tiny bit of time. The Japan method takes time because depending on the equation, you have to draw a lot of things. One of Mr Ogilvies Math groups learned how to use the strategies using equations with decimals, the group was called Math Masters. Math Masters also had to teach another one of Mr Ogilvies groups called Magnificent Multipliers.

Writing | Narrative structure and language features

LI. To identify the structure and language features for a narrative. This week for writing Mr. Wongs writing groups had to create a DLO with the structure and language features for a narrative. We used the text reminders to help us. Mr. Wongs writing groups explaned some of the parts on the mat and played a game called 'Chain link'. We had to get into our groups then we said things about the structure and language features. The first group who is finished is the winning team. At the last round Dr. Dahl and Dr. Suess were having trouble with the structures and language features. When Mr. Wong stopped the game after the last round we talked about what we could say to get done creating a chain link.

What's Living?

This is one of the compulsory task which is the fish bone.

This week for inquiry we have been learning about the circulatory system. Each week we have been learning about a new topic. There are ten groups. Each group has to finish off the compulsory task which are the fish bone, the explanation, the poetry and the sculpture. Sometimes the compulsory task change. If groups finish off one compulsory task they either get one credit or two credits. If groups buy a question/answer they have to give five credits. If they want to buy a sculpture, question or drawing where they choose what to do for it they have to give ten credits back. Whenever groups have finished off their compulsory task they get to move onto the elective task which is the more fun tasks to do. When it is week ten we will be doing a quiz. There are going to be eighteen questions. Each person from each group has to do sculpture, drawing and questioning. There will be task categories in each of the rounds. All the groups have to decide what they want to do.