Friday, 6 May 2016

Asia Posters

This term our topic is Asia. We picked 4 different countries that was in the continent Asia. Mr Wong is teaching Japan, Miss Naicker is teaching India, Miss Donaldson is teaching Thailand and Mrs Anderson is teaching China. We were instructed to do a poster like these ones. We had to write down the facts, where the country is located on the world map, photos of famous places and the country's flag. These are some examples of each country were are studying.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Team Building with Mrs Anderson

Today in LS1 we had Mrs Anderson in our class talking about Cooperation and Trust. We did an activity called the Sitting Circle. We had to make a circle and face each other's backs. We had to sit on each other's knees and sit for about a minute. We sucessfully did this task. This was judged by Miss Kirkpatrick.