Friday 19 June 2020

Procedural Writing

We were focusing on procedural writing. We know that procedural writing tells how to do or make something using steps.

First, we looked at identifying the structure and language features used in a procedure.

We know that the structure of a procedure is TEMPS. The language features used in a procedure is third person, present simple and specific verbs.

We were able to write a procedure on one of three topics: how to make a sandwhich, how to get to Pt. England from PBS and how to play octopus.

We followed the steps to make a procedure.

The steps were: break up the task into steps that can be explained by one verb, choose the precise verb for each step, create or choose an appropriate image/photo for each step, create a list of materials or tools needed, and write the procedure.

LI: to write a set of instructions.

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